DATA 606 - Statistics & Probability - Fall 2022

Math Equations

NOTE: We are aware that Daum Equation Editor has not been updated a long while and may no longer be supported on may platforms. We have not yet found a replacement as good as Daum, however have a look at this Wikipedia page on formula editors for a comprehnsive list of available software.

Occasionally you will need to type equations in homework and labs. R Markdown supports LaTeX style equations using the MathJax javascript library. We do not expect you to learn LaTeX for this course. Instead, we recommend using the free application Daum Equation Editor. It is availabe online, as a Google Chrome Extension, or as a standalone Mac Application.

Creating Equations with Daum Equation Editor

Occasionally you will need to type equations in homework and labs. R Markdown supports LaTeX style equations using the MathJax javascript library. We do not expect you to learn LaTeX for this course. Instead, we recommend using the free application Daum Equation Editor. It availabe online, as a Google Chrome Extension. With the editor, you can enter equations using menus.

Daum Equation Editor Screenshot

Once done, copy and paste the LaTeX code at the bottom into your R Markdown file between two dollar signs (i.e. $), and the quation will be rendered by the web browser.

$$ f\left( x|\mu ,\sigma \right) =\frac { 1 }{ \sigma \sqrt { 2\pi } } { e }^{ -\frac { { \left( x-\mu \right) }^{ 2 } }{ { 2\sigma }^{ 2 } } } $$